World Class Sustainable High Vibe Cuisine Recipe & Photos for VEGGIE FRITTATA

We frequently host epic events at the Garden of Eden--in fact, you can catch one of them on MTV in a few months! (More on that later.) Because we love food and have an overflowing abundance of it, we always have an epic feast at our events! 

We held a Tea & Smoke Lounge for our members on Friday, August 19. We shared delicious, healing, dried herb blends from our garden in soothing hot teas and smooth hand-rolled cigarettes (more about that in upcoming posts). It was a beautiful evening with fine company, and everyone had a great time! 

The food was über dank, of course. We had a broccoli potato soup, 2 kinds of frittatas, fried plantains, and stuffed okra. Per our norm, there was more food than anyone could eat! 

We’d like to share the formula for our veggie frittata! 

We cook for large crowds and don’t follow exact recipes, so we find the method to be more relevant than exact quantities. Ratios of ingredients can be scaled up or down according to the size of your party:

Veggie Frittata

  1. Heat oil in a skillet (cast iron works best over fire). Add lemon balm and chopped jalapeños; give them a little sizzle. 

2. Add chopped onion and red bell pepper. Cook for a few minutes.

3. Add chopped zucchini and yellow squash. Add salt to taste. At this point, you could melt a block of cream cheese into the veggies.

4. Beat some eggs. Pour half into a buttered dish.

5. Add veggies to the dish.

6. Pour other half of eggs on top. We cut a block of cream cheese and blobbed it on the top. 

7. Because we do all of our cooking outside and the cob oven requires a lot of time to use, we’ve devised a special method of cooking a frittata on the rocket stove top: Place a brick in the bottom of a large pot. Add about an inch of water, and let it come to a boil. Lower the frittata dish onto the brick. The water level won’t touch the frittata dish. Put a lid on the pot, and allow the frittata to steam in the contraption for 10-15 minutes. 

8. Remove from pot and use a knife to test that the frittata is cooked through. Sprinkle with grated cheese and green onions, and voilà! 

We use our outdoor kitchen year-round to prepare meals. You can build a rocket stove like ours in your own backyard for free following our How To Build A Rocket Stove tutorial!

Click here to learn more our unique perspective on food at the Garden of Eden.

We prepare hundreds, if not thousands, of one-of-a-kind dishes each year. If the Steemit community finds it valuable, we'd be happy to share more of our world class, high vibe food formulas!

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