A Creamy, Blended Coffee Beverage

A Drink For Those Whose Tails Are Dragging...

Visual representation of moi this morning...

Confession time, I am more of a tea drinker.


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Please don't abandon me folks, I am one of those people that like both sides of the beverage fence. Cats and Dogs, Tea and Coffee. They are both cool in my books.

My late adoption of coffee has to do with the quality of the product, as I tend to like a silky smooth, high quality bit of roasted bean. The coffee available around me for most of my life was of the logging camp variety. I am pretty sure that it could strip the paint off of a bull dozer, so I tended to avoid it. I also detest sweet drinks, and most coffee-containing beverages seem to be coffee-flavored rather than coffee-centered.

In all honesty though, I only enjoy a cup of coffee a couple of times a month at the most. Tea happens every day.

This week has been a real rear-kicker schedule wise, and as I had to arise early this morning to pick up a delivery, my constitution was dragging just a touch. There might also be the glaring fact that I stayed up late playing Magic-Commander with friends as Thursday is our weekly game night. Driving home I thought that I might enjoy a little bit of coffee this morning; I usually just have it black with a little coconut oil or butter in it, but I didn't want something straight forward, so I came up with this concoction instead:

Generikat's Perk The Heck Up Blended Coffee Drink

1/2 Cup Brewed Hot Coffee
1 Cup Coconut Milk (Or whatever "milk" floats your boat)
1 TBSP Powdered Unsweetened Cocoa
1 TBSP Hydrolized Collagen
1 tsp Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1/32 tsp. Powdered Stevia Extract
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract

Method: Heat your "milk" of choice in the microwave or on the stove. Add all ingredients to a blender, and blend the living stuffing out of the mass until it resembles the shade of a Spring mud puddle. Pour into some form of mug, and sip in energy-anticipation enjoyment.

Why did I put in the:

Coffee: Hello, caffeine! Also, there are a multitude of documented, possible health benefits that come from the moderate consumption of coffee.

Coconut Milk: Honestly, this is included because I made a big batch yesterday, and I have always hated bovine milk. Dang it! Now I am thinking about being forced to drink a cup of that stuff every night at dinner, ARGH!

Unsweetened Cocoa: Chocolate tends to find its way into a good majority of my foods. Nuf' said.

Hydrolized Collagen: I ingest at least a tablespoon of this stuff every single day. Why? I was a pretty intense athlete when I younger, and trained 4-6 hours every day throughout most of middle and all of high school. The joints love this stuff, as do a lot of other parts of my body. I still play volleyball, softball, and ride horses. That is on top of running a farm, working, and a whole ton of other things. Hydrolized collagen is an amazing supplement, here is a great article on its awesomeness.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: Coconut oil gives me a burst of energy, and I have been known to eat a tablespoon of the stuff when I am feeling slow. Some people don't like the unrefined, coconut-scented oil, but it makes me happy, so I eat it. I only included a teaspoon in my drink because I figured that I would spare my husband the result that would occur if I had a tablespoon of coconut oil and a 1/2 cup of coffee. I'm pretty sure that there are people out there that think coconut oil could solve any potential life problem, or power space exploration! Here's a pretty exhaustive list of its fantastic-ness!

Stevia: It's there because I very, rarely eat sugar or sweeteners in any form. If you do, that's all good, it should still be a tasty bit of imbibing.

Verdict: I quite like this frothy, creamy emulsion. There are a few things that I am going to try next time that I make it:

  1. I am going to melt unsweetened chocolate into the milk as I heat it, for that makes everything better.

  2. I am going to try some almond extract.

  3. Cinnamon might be nice.

  4. I might try two "doonks" of stevia. I am not overly fond of sweet drinks, but I think that a tiny bit more of added sweetness would balance the bitterness of the coffee out.

  5. One day I might be horrid and throw some real cream in there, just for fun.

As always, the images of this post were taken by the author on her coffee-stained iPhone.

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