Generikat Grazes-Banownies

A What Was In The Kitchen Healthy Snack Experimental Recipe


Every week we have "Game Night" at our humble abode. This entertainment festival usually kicks off with games of the tabletop variety such as, Magic EDH, various versions of Munchkin, Flux, Frag, etc. We then move onto games of the console variety, and slay things in the digital form until wee hours of the morning. There is copious amounts of friendly competitive dialogue, usually of the smack talking variety, and let us not forget the most important element of Game Night, the comestibles.


A couple of people that shall not be named usually drink in excess of a gallon of Koolaide during the festivities. They also have made it a habit to consume at least a couple quarts of ice cream as well. However, one friend is allergic to a lot of things, dairy being one of them. I want him to have snacks too, so we eat a lot of chips, salsa, and drink more than a small amount of my Stevia lemonade. However, today I woke up with a hankering for brownies.

Confession time, I don't usually find a recipe, go purchase the ingredients, and bake or cook away. Instead, I usually rummage through the kitchen and throw together a recipe based upon what I have hanging out in the cabinets, fridge, and freezer. This Kat is busy, and I tend to have a ton of outdoor things to do, so this is how the Banownie thing went down:


I had an avocado camping out with some ripe bananas. There was a small tub of wildflower honey in one of my cabinets that I thought could dive in the bar cookie pool, and I had a bit of coconut flour languishing in the freezer that really needed to be used. As I drank my breakfast collagen chocolate milk, I whirled around the kitchen plunking ingredients onto the counter for my Banownie cooking expedition. Songs might have also been sang, but that is normal around here.



1 Large Avocado
1/2 cup Mashed Banana (I used two bananas)
1/2 cup Honey
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
3 Large Eggs
1/2 cup Coconut Flour
1/2 cup Unsweetened Powdered Baking Cocoa
1/4 tsp Salt (I used that pink Himalayan kind, yum)
1 tsp Baking Soda


Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease an 8'X8" pan.

Place the peeled and pitted avocado, mashed banana, honey, and vanilla into a food processor and process until smooth.

Whisk eggs in a separate bowl and fold them into the banana avocado mixture.

Add coconut flour, cocoa, sea salt, and baking soda to a mixing bowl and whisk the dry ingredients to combine. Add avocado mixture and mix well.

Pour into greased pan and bake in preheated oven for about twenty minutes, you do not want to over-bake these bars, lest you like things Egyptian tomb dry in texture.

Let the Banownies cool completely before you try to cut them into squares, this recipe yields about sixteen moist and yummy bars of snack happiness!


Experiment Analysis

This recipe went together easily, made a minimal amount of mess to clean up, required few ingredients, and tasted surprisingly okay for something that was gluten, dairy, and refined sugar free. I liked it, but I also think it would be even better with some form of chocolate chips mixed into the batter, perhaps a 1/2 almond flour-1/2 coconut flour mix, and maple syrup instead of the honey. A whipped coconut cream chocolate frosting might be acceptably tasty as well. In all, it is completely edible, refreshed my energy level after spending four hours planting my garden, and looked pretty when I cut it into bars(some of my experiments have not had that distinction).

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It is the author's opinion that the presence of lilacs makes everything better

Hopefully ya'll will take this recipe and run with it! I know I am going to keep tweaking it until I get it just right. Oooh! Maybe some Medjool dates could go into the mix. Oh dear, I need to stop!

Note: I haven't forgot my promised breakfast recipes post. It is coming, but here lately I am lucky if I get a cheese stick or a cup of coffee in the morning as I am out farming most of the day! I offer a humble Mea Culpa.

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's cocoa powder and garden soil covered iPhone.

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