FOOD and DIET. Powerful Truths | My Article and Ideas! Stop This Madness! ^^^^^

Diet and Food, Let's get started:

Your diet is one of the most important things you can control in your life. look at it this way, it's probably the number one thing you engage in every day. Usually three times. It directly impacts your intelligence, perception, reactions, memory, internal organs, feelings, neurotransmitters, blood, creativity, passion, motivation, stress and pretty much every part of your body. You literally are what you eat. Diet/food can make you healthy and work incredibly well.


Diet/Food in western society generally has very little significance. Considering how imperative it is to survival, It's pushed to the side and neglected! People sacrifice their health for chemically constructed addictive processed junk food! Just like an addiction to hard drugs people will come back for more even when the negatives outweigh the positives. Eating poorly is ingrained into people's lives, the assumption is that it's just too difficult to eat healthily and stick to it. It almost feels like a compromise or effort to eat high-quality natural food and an uphill struggle which always ends in a sugary packaged quick fix.

People also feel lied too, supposed healthy options turn out to be even more detrimental to their health and the common phrase 'everything gives you cancer' is uttered when you read about heath scares. People are fed up and many give up as even efforts to amend the situation are fraudulent. Eating poorly in some circles can even make you cool, whilst people conscious about what they eat are probed, made fun of or bullied back into bad habits. Almost the idea of a man stopping a high beef diet for a raw organic vegetable diet makes them look like a pansy or not a 'proper man' in today's highly superficial culture.

The idea of food is wrong.

Consequently western countries (in this case the USA) are in a state of mass chaos with people's health:
5% of newborns with underlying health issues
10% of males suffering from Depression
10% of males will die of heart disease
30% of males have diabetes
50% of population with some form of cardiovascular disease
50% of males will develop cancer
70% of males will develop some type of nonage​ related disease
Leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease with 400,00 a year dead.

-Statistics taking from US national medical files achieve-
Statistics are similar with a ​female but usually slightly lower.

You're​ probably thinking how does this link to people's​ diet? In my opinion, diet is the only real variable. Apart from smoking, drinking this trend is similar all across the board with other areas of Europe and Asia even worse. Look how similar the trends are over the top 20 nations. Top 20 cancer countries per Age-Standardised Rate per 100,000:

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People are shocked reading these tragic statists. The highly developed countries are ill. It's weird to think that the more wealthy the country you live in, the more likely you are to die from developing cancer? Sounds wrong, ​doesn't it? Surely the wealthy countries have all the resources to expose these issues​ and deal with them, everyone should be living happy disease free lives? Surely?....

Unfortunately what I have learned is that the poorest countries in the world have the lowest degenerative diseases rates. This has to point the finger to diet again as the main cause, poorer countries simply don't have the access to mass produced factory farmed food products. A lot more of their diet is local farming and organically raised animals. There was a study done on an​Amazonian Tribe where a team of scientists did an experiment to see what the inhabitant's​ health was like. It turned out that out of a possible thousand test subjects, ​not one individual was suffering from any degenerative disease that we see so often in western society. Surely this raises a few eyebrows?

Developed countries with high amounts of processed meats, dairy​, chemicals, artificial ingredients and sugar are a breeding ground for unexpected disease and sudden death. The food is made rubbish to turn a profit. Your better off living in a Kenyan tribe with the threat of being eaten by a lion than in the comfort of your own home in the USA. Makes you think? ​

So who's to blame?​

Farming methods?
Education Department?
Chemical Ingredients?
Food Hygiene?
The Consumer?
Big Pharma?

All of the above is the answer.... But the fact is it doesn't matter. I could sit here all night and right about who's to blame but it​ doesn't actually achieve anything. The reason we got here isn't down to a handful of people it's​ due to everyone collectively. It's​ how society is at the moment and the way all our priorities are mixed up. It's​ down to business unfortunately, business doesn't tailor​ for people's​ health. Food companies have cut corners to squeeze even more profit out of the market. Cut corners end​ up with cut health. People not educated properly and food companies trying to sell a ​product. When you put it like that, of course we are in this mess. It's​ inevitable!


Your best bet is just not to eat anything you couldn't eat 10,000 years ago. Literally go back to basics and eat a raw organic fruit, vegetables, fibers and good non-processed​ meats and fish diet. We need to change the idea of food. Eating just for taste is a thing of the past. Eat for nutrients and make sure they come from clean impeccable sources. At the start, ​it might feel like an effort but soon enough it will become fun and something you strive for! You will feel alive and not have to worry about getting cancer. There is no cure for cancer, you can just prevent it from occurring with a good high nutrient​ plant-based​ vegetable diet.

Men being bullied for becoming​ vegetarians is wrong and frankly small minded. Eating vegetables literally, it makes​ you more of a man because of the positive testosterone releases and other hormones into the blood stream! Popi was right eating all that spinach! We a are not designed for these mad chemically rich diets and it shows throughout​ health statistics. Unhealthy food is a lot more destructive than we ever thought. Literally, some of those chemicals are deadly. Eat with caution. We are killing ourselves!

Anyway, you guys reading this probably know this already! Please comment and follow for more interesting posts. Feel free to comment if you disagree with anything or agree! It's just my thoughts and I​ hope it has inspired some of you to have a look into this for yourself. I'm going to do even more on this topic because it really interests me. Should you're​ appreciation if you want to hear more! Legends! Loving steemit and peace out from Greenerz!

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