Chocolate Dipped Orange Cream Popsicles (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

🍊🍫🍊🍫Summer is here and we're going to need some deliciousness to cool down with. Who's with me?????🍊🍫🍊🍫


Quick update for anyone following my injury recovery: I'm still on the mend and thankfully my knee injury is almost healed enough that I can stop walking like a peg-leg pirate and take the stairs like a normal human being, yay!!!


The down side is that unfortunately I'll still have to wear the cast for another few weeks. I'm not going to lie though, doing everything with one hand is starting to realy drive me insane. I miss my arm. 😒😒😒πŸ’ͺ (I may not make it, lol)


These summery treats are pretty simple and straight forward. Actually, they were my sisters’ idea. My sisters found these orange flavored chocolate bars that they fell in love with and ate all the time for a long period of time. Even after the hype started to fade about the chocolate bars they were insistent that I should make something inspired by them. So, of course, I did because I love to make people happy with food, especially my family peoples.


Anyway, these pops are made with coconut milk instead of cream and I used raw sugar and greek yogurt too, so as far as popsicles go these are pretty healthy. If you are a fan of creamsicles then you’re going to love these. πŸ˜‹


I know, I know, the ARE dipped in chocolate but there's a to of anti-oxidants in chocolate so again, healhty, right??? πŸ˜‰


Okay guys, I hope you all have a great day and enjoy something yummy.


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