Chocolate Mousse Filled Pop-Tarts (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

Hold on a second please while I finish my little pop-tart song and dance…..bum bum bum POP-TARTS!…..Pop-tarts….pop-tarts…….da bum bum chhhh!

Sorry about that, I think I’m finished……for now. I just love making pop-tarts! I’m going to take a stab in the dark and guess that if you’re reading this post that you love them too. At least I’m hoping you do.

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Let me guess, your mom only bought them every long once in a while when you were a kid and, despite the fact that you knew how bad they were for you, you secretly loved them anyway. You may have even dreamed about them. No? Oh yeah, maybe that was me.

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Okay, so funny story. When I was like 2 or 3 my parents caught me with a chocolate covered face, a bunch of empty pop-tart wrappers, and a pile of half-devoured chocolate pop-tarts. I honestly don’t remember this but according to them the pop-tarts had been hidden on the top shelf of the pantry and to this day they have no idea how I reached them. Apparently I had pop-tart radar and baby-ninja skills to match. Where are those powers now, huh? They would really come in handy.

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Anyway, I haven’t had a real pop-tart in a really long time but I remember thinking the last time I tried one that they were not what my 3-year-old memory promised. In fact, they really aren’t very good at all. Kind of disappointing actually.

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But that’s okay because we can make our own, right? Oh, and let me tell you, they are way better than the originals ever thought about being….times 10.

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I spent a while trying to decide what flavor to go with for these and I just kept coming back to chocolate. Guilty. I’ll sign up with chocoholics anonymous tomorrow, okay? However, today I’m going to be adoring these little beauts and of course sharing them with you so you can join my pop-tart dance.

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Oh, and I feel perfectly justified in overloading you with photos because you had to know that was coming because, hello, there are pop-tarts involved here. Pop-tarts! Pop-tarts….bum bum da bum….Pop-tarts…..

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As always, the recipe is available upon request. The first request gets an upvote.

ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D5300 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST. And by the way, my intro post did a huge $0.21

Don't forget to check out my other recent food posts:

  1. Try the Gray Stuff, It’s Delicious (Black Sesame Cupcakes)(FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  2. Outback Steakhouse Style Brown Bread (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  3. Browned Butter & Condensed Milk Blondies (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  4. Caribbean Jerk Millet Burgers with Pineapple Guacamole (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  5. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pie Pops (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  6. Crunchy Toffee Cinnamon Apple Eton Mess (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  7. Back To School Pizza Bites! (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  8. 8-Layer Caramel Turtle Brookie Bars (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  9. Summertime Starburst Turmeric Smoothie (vegan+ gluten free)(FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  10. Pan-Seared Lemon Garlic and Asparagus (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

AND A HUGE MASSIVE SHOUT OUT TO@rigaronib for designing my logo!!!! 

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