Recipe Bean turned

Traditional Brazilian recipes


already baked beans with their broth

Cassava flour

pork fat


beat onion

Salt and green onions and pat


1. In hot fat if refoguem-two cloves of crushed garlic.

2. Being well fried, remove them.

3. Add the onions and when they are golden, saute the beans, then add the broth and salt.

4. Cook for about twenty minutes on low heat.

5. In a skillet, place the beans that are ready, with little broth and go slowly adding cassava flour, stirring well until it gets the point.

6. Prove it to check the salt.

7. The point of the face should be neither too soft nor too hard.

8. To serve, garnish with a beaded can of pork rinds and fried pork skins and pururucas.

9. To accompany the upset, still being indispensable cabbage cut very thin, steamed and fried eggs.

10. Also according to the will accompany pork loin, fried sausage, chops or antrecosto pork, fried in advance, but nice and warm.


In the Paraiba Valley region to the face, it is used preferably cassava flour, which does not occur in mountainous areas of the state, whose preference is for cornmeal.

About Me

In 2012 I began my cooking journey in Brasil and studied at “Senac, Juiz de Fora”, in Minas Gerais, developing my basic culinary techniques.

Later I worked in a local restaurant, and rose to a role in management, helping to increase the clientele base. I then discovered a refined bistro called “Assunta” in Minas Gerais and cooked as a Chef de parti. In this place I became sure of what I wanted for my life. Learning an important chef’s culinary art at that time aroused my desire to live abroad; learn English and improve my culinary techniques.

Following this experience I traveled to Ireland in Europe and began working in an Irish restaurant as a Kitchen Porter and later working as a Chef de Parti.

Having met my girlfriend, I embarked on the third part of journey to Thailand in 2014 where I gained an Asian cooking experience and improved my International culinary techniques. In Bangkok I had the privilege of undertaking a course in one of the most prestigious international networks of French cuisine; “Le Cordon Bleu”.

Having completed the Advanced cooking level there I traveled to Italy and learnt more about Mediterranean cooking and then returned to Brasil, where I’m now based.

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