Noodle recipe with a healthy avocado sauce and chicken

Have you ever tried pasta with an avocado sauce? If not you should definitely check out this healthy and delicious recipe.

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This recipe is with almond milk, which gives the sauce a nice creamy texture and a nutty taste.
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Avocados have plenty of positive effects on our health. The stone fruit strengthens our eyes and hearts.


  • are a great source of lutein which protects us from eye disease
  • their monounsaturated-fats help us to absorb carotenoids
  • they contain disease-fighting antioxidants
  • their oleic acid makes us feel full and can help us lose weight
  • they can help to maintain a healthy blood sugar level and can help us to reduce cholesterol levels
  • they are full of valuable vitamins. It's folate can lower the risk of heart attacks and heart diseases. Folate is important during pregnancy.


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Ingredients for 3 servings:

300 g pasta
300 g skinless chicken breast (for vegetarian version leave it out or replace)
1 avocado
2 tomatoes
1/2 lemon (or lemon juice)
10 leaves fresh basil
200 ml unsweetened almond milk
200 ml vegetable broth
Parmesan cheese (for vegan version leave the cheese and the chicken out)
salt and pepper

  • Cook the pasta (here I use tasty tri-color pasta) in salty water for 9 minutes (or your own preference).

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  • Cut the chicken into cubes. Fry the chicken in a pan with oil and then flavor it with pepper and salt.

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  • Cut the tomatoes into strips.

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  • Mix the almond milk with the vegetable broth, add 10 leaves of basil, the tomato slices and the juice from half a lemon.

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  • Cook the sauce for 5 minutes, flavor it with salt and pepper.

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  • For decoration purposes, cut two strips of the avocado and put them aside. Put the rest of the avocado flesh into a mixer and add the sauce.

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  • Use the mixer for 10 - 30 seconds until the sauce has a creamy texture.

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  • Done! Serve the noodles with the sauce, the chicken, grated Parmesan, the chopped avocados and two leaves of basil.

This dish has a high nutrient value and it makes you fell full so you do not need to eat masses.

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Why I like this recipe:

tastyquick recipeproteinsluteindisease-fighting antioxidants
creamy sauceavocado benefits on the eyes and heartmonounsaturated-fatsoleic acideasily turned into a vegetarian or vegan recipe

Enjoy - Bon appétit!

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