🍝 The Best Pasta That Isn't JUST 'Pasta!' 🍝 (Raw/Vegan/Gluten-Free)

Whoever said healthy food is boring never met me! Impress your dinner guests with this SUPER EASY, delicious raw pasta recipe!


Forget the boiling of the noodles and get yourself some zucchini!

I LOVE pasta- I mean come'on- my dad is an Italian chef! But my body doesn't process regular spaghetti noodles very well. Do you know the feeling? I had to come up with something that would feed my cravings while making me feel incredible after eating it and that recipe is right here!

It's raw, it's vegan (dairy free) and it's gluten-free! YAY!

There are plenty of health benefits to eating raw, unprocessed, uncooked foods! But most people think of a salad when they hear the word raw. Let me just change that here! πŸ’–

Raw food is incredible because it retains its nutritional benefits from the source since we're not cooking them (applying heat) which can sometimes take away what the food offers in its natural state!

Did you know that raw garlic is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal?
Anytime I get sick or am feeling a little bit off I eat a fresh, raw clove of garlic instead of taking an antibiotic pill! It works, I swear by it! It's helped me fight off infection and illness many a time! I love incorporating its massively healing properties into my foods!

My favorite part about this dish is the RAWEMESAN!
It's like parmesan BUT it's raw, vegan (dairy free) and it's seriously delicious! Feel free to pour it all over your dish!

I've created a delicious raw zucchini pasta that is loaded with health benefits, are you ready to try it?


What you need:


  • Spiralized zucchini


  • 2 tomatoes
  • Β½ yellow pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic (more or less depending on your liking!)
  • 3 bunches of basil
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp salt


  • Β½ cup almonds
  • 2 tbs nutritional yeast
  • 1 tbs garlic powder (less if you’re not a garlic freak like me!)
    Note: I used garlic powder in my rawemesan to keep the consistency. It can get very wet if using fresh garlic but fresh is ideal!

What to do:


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  • Take a washed, raw zucchini and spiralize it either through a processor, a hand spiralizer or a julienne peeler (the one with the spikes!)


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  • Put all of the sauce ingedients into a food processor (do not cook any of them- simply wash them before use and add in!)

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  • Soak the almonds the night before in filtered water.
  • Drain the liquid and either use now for a more creamy edition or dehydrate again for a more dry cheese.
  • Add all ingredients into food processor and pulse into small pieces.

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Set up:

  • Start by making a pile of zucchini noodles on the plate.
  • Top with a big spoonful of sauce.
  • Sprinkle with rawemesan (and black pepper if you like it!)
  • Top with basil for a beautiful addition!
  • Enjoy and don't forget to share!πŸ’–


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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!
Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! πŸ’–

Until next time!

Sending you love through food,

While you're here, check out some of my recent plant-based, love-filled recipes!
Creamy Peanut Butter Caramel Brownie Bars
4 Game Changing Veggie Burgers That 'Bleed'!
Pumpkin Spiced Lattes!
10 Minute Vegan Pepper Jack Cheese
Rainbow Antioxidant Smoothie
Mocha Chocolate Cheesecake for Breakfast!
Lucky Leprechaun Mint Choco Nice Cream Bites
Delicious Vegan Cheese Spread

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