These Energizing Pancakes Will Put a "Pep" in Your Step: Coffee (Mocha) Chocolat-Ahhh! Pancakes (Gluten-free, Vegan)

Hello hungry world! How about we mix that wake-me-up coffee into your breaky and add in some chocolate to boot?

Voila delicious, easy breakfast to feed the weekday warrior, here to save the morning!

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Sound like a party to you? Me too! Let's get wild!

What You Need:

  • 1/2 cup gluten-free flour of choice (I used organic rice flour)
  • 1 cup almond meal
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (separate from first flour- don't use the whole flour mixture coconut flour or else it won't stick!)
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon organic coffee (I used coffee grinds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon clove
  • 1 regular banana or 2 small bananas
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons chia + 6 tablespoons water (mix together to make 'chia eggs')
  • 1/3 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup coconut meat
  • 1 handful of pecans

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What To Do:

The Mixin's:

Easy peasy!

  • Throw everything into a food processor
  • Press pulse
  • Let it mix together into a dough
  • You are ready to rock!

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These are going to be more "patty" than your usual pancakes, if you want them more runny, you can add more almond milk however, I like that they have almost a donut-esque feature to them being thick like this. Extra delicious!

Let's play pat-a-cake!

I had messy fingers that my camera wasn't too fond of so no pictures of this step but don't worry it's easy!

  • Take a ball at a time and roll it in your hand, into a small ball
  • Smash the ball in between your hands (this is also a stress release/meditation exercise ;) let it all out! Whoo-sa!)
  • Pat your ball into a fairly thin (depending on preference) cake (get it, pat-a-cake- you're patting a cake :P!)
  • Put some coconut oil in a fry pan
  • Gently place your pancake into the oil and carry on like normal!
  • Flip after a couple of minutes (check the other side to see what level of toasted you'd like- I like mine kind of crispy so I leave them longer!)

Now, put them on a plate, load them up with your fixin's and get them on the table to enjoy!

I had some caramel sauce in the fridge from a recipe I made a couple of days ago (I made a horrible error and did not document any of it! I'll have to recreate it for you soon so you can taste the deliciousness as well!)

You can top yours with whatever you'd like... I would love me some maple syrup but sadly, living overseas, I do not have any... I think that's my greatest complaint in life! ;)

🍁If someone from Canada would bring me some maple syrup next time they are visiting, I would be devoted to them for all of eternity🍁

These pancakes are not too sweet, you can add the sweet in with your fixin's however, they do come with some extra energy so have fun with that pep in your step!

I know I was pleasantly surprised by the effect of even a small amount! If you're a big coffee drinker, you can add more to this recipe, I am extremely sensitive to it so this amount was perfect for me!

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The (almost) final product (before I poured some yummy coconut nectar all over it- YUM!)

Sending you love through (plant-based/vegan) food, as always! If you are new here, it's great to have you here!

I am a food fanatic as you'll surely see, and I am a strong believer in the power it has within it, and the ability it has to heal us! I aim to inspire through my recipes and posts and hope to connect with you here, through your heart. Some say the way to the heart is through the stomach, I might just agree with that theory ;)

If you'd like to see more, you can check me out here

I am also running #veganwednesday challenge every week! See here for more details on how to participate (and win by sharing some love!)

Until next time,
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