"Stiffed? I GOT STIFFED!" (Nevermind the Steem-pocalypse, here's "Guy's Waiter Blog" Chapter 4!)

"Stiffed" means that last night, I had a group of three people - guests from "across the pond" - who wrote in "$0" on their debit card voucher as my tip, on an over $200 tab.

While most restaurant servers react like ...

I'm old and jaded these days and almost don't care ... maybe "repeatedly traumatized to the point of near-invulnerability" would be more accurate to say.

Anyways, one of my ground rules for this blog is that I'm NOT here to complain about my guests or my tips... right?

I want you to know that I'm keeping that commitment. 

If this were about complaining, I would title this something more like "WHY EUROPEANS  SUCK!!!" - then every (American) restaurant person would chime in, to agree with me. However, that would make this blog (and myself) as lame as the many other restaurant rant blogs and ranters already out there. 

Not to mention, if that were my overall style, my readership would seriously diminish - fast. I mean, you  don't click these things because you want to hear me complain about my life, do you?

I thought not.

No, this isn't about complaining, my work now about teaching - bringing awareness. What I'm actually wanting to share with you is the admission that I KNOW EXACTLY WHY this group stiffed me (at least I'm pretty sure I do). Yup, based upon my many years in this business, I know the exact mistake I made and why it's kinda my own damn fault.

Didn't expect me to say that, huh?

Also, just for informational value to those who don't know these things  (i.e., you've never worked in a restaurant) I'll also share why this error not only cost me the $30-$40 tip I might have hoped for (as in "surplus") - but did you know that in our world, when a server gets stiffed, it truly costs us money (as in "deficit")? 

Yep, because this table that stiffed me last night, I "owed" the restaurant about $11 out of my own pocket, which was deducted from my other tips from the shift.

Seriously - rather than profiting, I quite literally paid $11 for "the pleasure" of waiting on them.

Which means all-told (potential tip income plus out-of-pocket expenses) what I'm going to be sharing with you is about a $50 lesson for me, that I apparently had to re-learn again ...

And I'll be sharing this with you, for free, in the next episode of  Guy's Waiter Blog. 

So, if finding out what I *know* my crucial mistake was (and how if you're also a server and you don't know what NEVER to do when waiting on Europeans, and that might interest you) -OR- if you're  not a server but are just curious as to how waiting on people LITERALLY costs servers money sometimes.. then stick around.

These have been kinda long lately, so I'm giving you a break. 

That, and I've got stuff to do.

But maybe now's the time to "follow" me so you don't miss out on this  one.

I'm just sayin.. Isn't it about time you committed to this relationship?

IMAGE Source

Follow yer boy to see how this series goes!

You can read this in the meantime if you like - IMAGE source: http://perezhilton.com/2015-11-11-newlywed-waitress-gets-offensive-tip-saying-get-your-own-husband-open-letter-rant-reaction#.V9e8Z00rLIV

More later,

Guy's Work Blog : Chapter 4 "Stiffed? I GOT STIFFED???"

Stories about restaurant life, from my current & past  waiter/bartender jobs. WHAT THIS ISN'T: I'm not here to complain about  my guests, job, co-workers or tips. I'm not mentioning names, except  positively. I have around 25 years "in the biz," some fun stories to tell, and at times some pretty unique life lessons to impart.  Hopefully, I'm both informing and entertaining you as I go.

Steemers! UPVOTE & FOLLOW! I'm getting too old to wait tables forever, capish?
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OR- get all 50+ Chapters via DAILY EMAILS : Contact GuyMalone@ProtonMail.com 

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