Hot Chili Beef Brisket 🌀 That I Didn't Ruin This Time...!

On the BBQ last time, I overcooked it so that I had no jus! Howto not mess it up this time!

For 3-6 people, you need approximately:

  • A small beef brisket, say 1.5 lbs or about 0.68 kg.
  • 1 or 2 big fresh onions.
  • 1.5 lbs or 0.68 kg of carrots.
  • 3 lbs or 1.36 kg of potatoes.
  • Around 2 tablespoons of dehydrated onions.
  • A full teaspoon (or more!) of crushed red peppers/chilies. (Or fresh ones!)
  • 3/4 teaspoon of seasoning salt.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt.
  • 1/3 teaspoon of coarse black pepper.
  • A roasting pan with high sides.
  • An extra sharp knife.

Spread more than half of the spices out in your roasting pan.

Mix in the potatoes, carrots and onions. Make sure to cut the onions in fairly big pieces.

Put the brisket in the open area in the middle, with the fatty side down. Add the rest of the spices.

You want to just cover the brisket with water. In this case, I needed a full 2 litres. It's ok if a few potatoes are partially above the water...

Cover with foil or a lid and set to roast at 380 deg F. or 193 deg C. for 3.5 to 4 hours. Check it every hour or so to roll over/push under any veggies that are too exposed. At 2 hours, remove the foil or lid. The photo below is about 2.5 hours in. At about 3 hours, you may need to start basting the brisket. If you like it less cooked than I do, it's probably ready now...

I prefer it browned more, like below, at around 4 hours. But there should be around 0.75 litres of jus now to keep it moist.

Take the brisket from the tray and place it on a plate or cutting board to sit for at least 10 minutes. This will make slicing it much easier. If you like pulled brisket, there is no need to wait. Put any sliced brisket that you aren't eating now back into the tray, and cover it up with veggies and jus.

Eat well!

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!

Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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