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Great achievement to build this world’s longest hot dog.
The hot dog is one piece. Not cut and put together or a chain of hot dogs. One piece!
The hot dog is 203 meters long. Imagine making a bread, which is this size long and weighs 150 kilograms. 😊 You have to put all of the dough together and bake it. After the baking, you have to be very careful to not break it.
I put this amazing record into this graphic:
On the photos, you can see that the sausage was put on a carousel-like holder. I like this idea. The holder must be robust since the weight of the sausage is 120 kilograms.
The hot dog was made for the 2011 Expo in Paraguay to celebrate Paraguay's 200th anniversary as a country. The hot dog was cut into 2000 portions.
- 100 kg flour
- 25 litres water
- 6 kg yeast
- 6 kg sugar
- 5 kg butter
- 2 kg powdered milk
- 2 kg salt
- 1 litre malt extract
- 120 kg sausage
Previous posts in this series by calories:
Longest Pizza in Naples - 9.500.000 Calories
Over 12000 Pancakes: Largest serving of pancakes - 2.543.200 Calories
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