Do you ever eat hot dogs from convenience stores like 7-Eleven and QuikTrip?

I don't often like to admit this but I really love the hot dogs from 7-Eleven and Racetrack.

They're relatively inexpensive because two will fill you up. It's true that a whole pack of hotdogs would be cheaper but then they don't taste as good as these.

I don't know if it's the fact that they're on that sort of rotisserie turning hot dog table or what but to me they are just simply delicious.

Now I usually eat healthy and I don't eat these very often but if I'm wanting something quick I will often times stop in and grab one.

I work at a restaurant and we don't get the normal breaks in between shifts that most people get. Sometimes you've only got a few minutes to grab something and shove it down before you have to get right back to work.

Lately I've discovered these:

Quiktrip Hotzi Jalapeno and Cheese Sausage Roll.

There used to be a place near me that sold bagel dogs.

It was just a tiny little hut that you pulled up to.

There weren't very many options.

These jalapeno and cheese sausage rolls remind me a great deal of those bagel dogs and let me tell you they are delicious.

I can grab a couple of these on the way to work and keep them in the refrigerator.

Then I can microwave them real quick if I have a few minutes and shove them down.

I think they even taste better than your standard greasy hot dog.

They are very spicy and really delicious and I feel like as long as I only eat a couple once in awhile then it's not gonna kill me.

If it does, at least I'll have eaten this delicious jalapeno and cheese sausage roll.

Do you ever eat hot dogs from convenience stores like 7-Eleven and QuikTrip?

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