How to make a Lemon Drop Martini.

Martinis are cool.

James Bond thought so and so do I.

What is a martini though, really? Essentially a martini is a glass of either vodka or gin, sometimes with a dash of vermouth, with a green olive placed in it.

Most people that come into our restaurant don't even want any vermouth so they're just drinking a glass of alcohol.

It certainly sounds better to say "Give me a martini" than "I'll have a glass of just vodka.".

What happens if you want a martini with a little kick of flavor though?

Enter the Lemon Drop Martini. I will tell you how to make one below.

First you need a pint glass, a shaker, and a strainer.

Fill the pint glass with two oz of vodka. I use Ketel One.

Next pour a dash of sweet and sour and one oz of Triple Sec.

Grab three large lemon wedges and squeeze all the juice into the pint glass.

The final step is to use one package of sugar.

Put the shaker on top of the pint glass and give it about three good shakes.

Use a strainer to pour the Lemon Drop Martini into the martini glass.

The final touch is to garnish it with a lemon rind.

Lemon Drop Martini.

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