My Experience with Cheap Cook Cafe at Talamban | How the Scrooge in me Died for a Moment

It's been a while since I posted a food blog. It's not really my thing since I don't dine in cafes that much but I will be posting this one since it marks a milestone as a Scrooge. Just recently, I came across cheap little shack down at Talamban Fronting USC-TC where they sell "budget tasty chicken". It was a funny experience. I have tasted their meals once when a friend of mine brought some to school at lunch.

It was beautifully stored in a white styrofoam pack-lunch container. I thought it was bought from a restaurant but when I asked what place it was from, she mentioned a place called Cheap Cook down at the Talamban, Cebu City fronting the University of San Carlos. I was still supposed to buy food for myself but being allured by the food that she bought, I decided to have a taste. Taking pity on me HAHA, she decided to tell me to simply share the food and invited me to come over to the cafe sometime when I am able. Well, I wouldn't dare resist an offer haha. I gladly took chunks of their Teriyaki Chicken, aiming to get the most flavor in my mouth while taking the least piece. I wouldn't want to be a burden. I just had to get some more where those came from.


Cheap Cook's Buffalo Fillet (Php 90.00). The scrumptous taste is entirely irresistible.

A lot of people may already be familiar with it but it was my first to be there. Talamban is a very far place from where I am from. There was this one time where I came with a friend named Cheryl to meet someone in the adjacent place in Talamban for Research purposes. While waiting, I noticed my stomach already churning and growling as if telling me to feed it. I then remembered my friend mentioning how the place was at Talamban. I shrruged the whole idea off. "You can't spend now, you just had a talk with your financial advisers/future millionaire friends @smaeunabs, @ybanezkim26, @jcvertucio, @thegaillery and @legendarryll about living within your own means".

We decided to wait a while longer. 10 minutes turned to 30 then 40 minutes. But it turned out that we still needed to wait a little longer.

"Okay! That's it. I'm hungry after a hard day at school and I have been waiting for some time already. I need to eat right now", I thought to myself. I told my her to come with me and locate the place, Cheap Cook. She was actually shocked, surprised, astonished and flabbergasted HAHA. It was rather unusual for me to spend for myself. While their name implies affordability their prices still ranged from Php50-100. It was far from my usual meals of vegetables and fruits which were roughly around Php 30-40 only. "Are you okay? Do you have a problem?", she asked. I laughed so hard. I guess people are just so used to me being so stingy all the time. And I guess I am not used to myself spending as well.


Cheap Cook offers Breakfast Meals, Chicken, Pork and Fish variety ranging from Php 50-100

The scrooge in me was tamed by my incessant hunger. I was firm that I needed to eat something and I needed to eat at a good place right now. She gladly escorted me to the place. We headed to the cafeteria with slow and sure movements as if she was still concerned with me spending. A part of me was still battling myself in a tug-of-war between delaying gratification and succumbing to my desires. When I entered the place, it smelled of freshly cooked chicken. The aroma was so appetizing.


They also offer Beef varieties with occasional new meals and a diverse slection of drinks and desserts.

The Scrooge within me died at that instant. I guess, when you are under a lot of stress and hunger, the base of Maslow's Heirarchy of needs stills prevails - physiologic needs were my primary concern at that time that nothing else mattered. I even decided to treat her! That's a big milestone as I rarely do that to anyone else. I decided to order the Buffalo Fillet which I so longed for and I bought her Pork Teriyaki. We ate until satiety filled not only our stomachs but our hearts as well.


Pork Teriyaki which costs Php65 with iced tea

I was expecting to feel something after. I usually have those whenever I buy something. I guess the scrooge in me just died that day HAHAHA. I did learn to take a step back and reward myself and others sometime. Everything relies on the delicate balance of things and I wouldn't want to step out of balance. I will definitely find a way to compensate for my expenses but I wasn't concerned of it until now. Atleast I know I am not alone. I have good friends who have felt the same way about spending but are very much eager to work double once more.

What did matter more was how I had good talks, great memories and was finally free from regret of not having a taste of Cheap Cook's meal when I had the chance. Overall, the quality of service and the food preapred was totally worth it. It was a very nice experience and I still laugh at myself at the thought of deliverating just to buy a meal. I will look forward to days where the the Scrooge in me will once more be tamed. When that happens, I'll make sure to share my thoughts here.

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