Sandy's Recipe#1 Oreo Chesse Cake Recipe 【Oreo芝士冻饼】

4 Ingredients, ice-cream texture alike Dessert is made.
OREO biscuits 15 pieces
butter 20 grams
cream cheese 150 grams
whipping cream 150 grams Cream cheese under room temperature until it become soft. 6 inch rejection of the bottom of the round cake mold bottom place a piece of butter paper for spare.

2.separate OREO biscuits and oero stuffing

3.Separate OREO biscuits will have 30 biscuits, separated by 14 of them into a bag and broken into coarse particles, the remaining 16 pieces broken into the sandy size.

4.Butter heated into a butter solution, add the sandy Oreo broken and mix well.

5.The mixture was put into a cake mold and pressed with a spoon to form a cake bottom and put it into a Freezer.

6.Soft cream has been added to the OREO sandwich stuffing, with a whisk to mix into a smooth slip (such as the state of the cream)

7.add whipping cream and clean whisk to mix properly In dry container.

8.mix whipping cream the cream into the cream cheese, mix with a plastic scraping.

9.add coarse grain OREO cake and mix well.

10.take out the cake, pour the mixture and sweep the surface, wrap it in the freezer for about 3 hours.

11.Take out the cake about 20-30 minutes before you enjoy that.


13.follow me for more recipe.:))

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