Venison Dinner ! Leftover meat for tomorrow's STEEMIT Culinary Challenge ( Sniffle Remedy soup!) CONTEST!

Tomorrows soup contest is going to be quite the challenge ! And I intend to be in the contest , making my Venison Slow cooker spicy soup! For those with colds, or to ward colds off ! My soup is very healthy useing lean Venison ( Deer ) lots of garlic, onions, carrots , cellery as well! So be sure to check out my blog later tomorrow night, and also All the entrants into the Steemit Culinary Challenge! #1 : Sniffle Remedy Soup! Heres the link to the challenge , all entries must be recieved by midnight Sunday! /trending/steemitculinarychallenge

So heres what we had for dinner tonight! Backstrap of the Deer! The very best which is like strip loin! Along with fries , snap peas, fried onions and garilic cooked in the juices from the deer , made into a gravy! Yummy!

So stay tuned tomorrow , where you will see all my photos from the deer meat, to the whole cooking process of my homemade soup! All the lftover meat here will go into my soup tomorrow for the contest! Along with my homeade Salsa , which i have allready done a blog about! It will all be in my soup! Please check it out as well when the contest winners are revealed! Look for me! I hope im one of them! Wish me luck and please upvote my recipe post tomorrow and help me win! Thanks a bunch!
All comments and replys are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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