How Meal Prep Changes Everything!

I've had a new obsession lately.... Meal Prep! I bought a lot of cute containers with lids so I can store my food in the fridge.
I bought these containers when I had a horrible realization.

  1. If I cook my food in bulk, Put in the fridge. I'll get too busy to eat it, The extra work of scooping it out of a big bowl into a smaller eating bowl was too much for me. (I feel lazy admitting that).

  2. If food isn't' ready to eat when I'm hungry, I'm more likely to order a pizza or go out to eat. And with me trying to lose some weight. That wouldn't be good.

  3. That's one of the reasons I'm obsessed with the meal service Freshly Because they come in serving sizes ready to eat, The food is fantastic. But a bit expensive to order all the time.
    So buying the meal containers are saving me from this.

I Made too much food!

The problem with bulk cooking for yourself, Is it's so easy to make too much food, Or even too little food. Then some get wasted! I noticed with the meal prep containers I was able to make the food and look at how it would fit in my containers.

With this meal, I made steamed broccoli, Pasta with Marinara sauce, chicken, and cheese.
I usually cook way too much pasta, But for once I cooked a bit too little.
I then cooked too little broccoli, But it was easy to quickly steam some more.
It's nice because they are all ready to eat and I don't have to worry about waste.

When you plan things you succeed!

I'm a firm believer with planning things; It allows you to make big changes quickly and effortlessly. I know I always feel short on time, And cooking my meals like this saves me time. I made five meals in about 40 minutes! For those of you who haven't tried meal prepping, If you're addicted to fast food it might be worth the try.
Sure fast food tastes good, But I feel like many of us are just addicted to that convenience rather than the food it self.

Have you tried it? Does it work for you?

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