For this week challenge I'd like to make chilli con carne
beef 500 grams
onions 2 pieces
garlic 6 denticles
chili pep 1 pc
pepper bulgarian 2 pcs
red kidney bean 1 jar
сorn 1/2 cans
tomato paste 3-4 tablespoons
spices: zir, oregano, coriander, coriander
bitter chocolate 1 tablespoon
tortillas cut into triangles and dried in the oven until chips are obtained
finely chop beef
onion and garlic cut into cubes
We cut the Bulgarian pepper into cubes, and the chilli into semicircles
reheat the frying pan, add the vegetable oil and fry the meat
In a deep frying pan fry onions, garlic until transparent and soft
add chili to onion with garlic
add the spices and cook for 5 minutes, stirring
then add beef and mix
3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste and 1.5-2 glasses of hot water is mixed with beef. Salt and pepper to taste. We cook 20 minutes.
add the Bulgarian pepper, stew 10 minutes
add beans and 1/2 cans of corn
add 1 tablespoon of bitter chocolate
sprinkle with cilantro before serving
Served with chips