First Time Making Homemade Pickled Radishes

From my first harvest of Radishes, I tried out pickling for the first time. I have had radishes in Soups and in Salads but this would be the first time that I would try a pickled radish other than pickled Daikon radish that is usually in Sushi. The following is how I attempted to grow and harvest my own pickle supply.

I pulled a small harvest of 10 Radishes from my little grow bag garden. I sowed these radishes 30th of March 2018 some of them were ready, but some still need a little more time in the soil to plump themselves up. It generally takes 20 to 70 days to mature so I my crop should be ready to pick by now. You will see the Radish Greens to the left side of the bag. In this Grow bag, I have packed in lots of plants that I started from seed. I will make a separate post on whats growing in my Grow bag for another time.


Here in this picture, I found some that were formed and pretty much ready to be picked. As you can see I sowed them quite close so they could be thinned out a little to encourage the smaller ones to grow.



I picked around 10 decent sized Radishes. There were a couple that were deceptively small but they were still ok to pick.



I then washed the soil off them and cut the tops and roots off. I then sliced them thinly and popped them into their jar. I then made a basic vinegar pickle brine.

2 Garlic Cloves (peeled and smashed)
1/4 Cup White Vinegar
1/4 Cup Homemade Apple cider Vinegar
1/2 Cup Water
1 T spoon of Sugar
I also added a couple of whole peppercorns to see how it would taste.

Add all ingredients to a Saucepan, stir to dissolve and bring to a simmer for 5 mins. Cool to room temperature and pour over sliced Radishes in the jar.

That is how I made my first batch of pickled Radish! I think I will be adding these to burgers or sandwiches to add some tanginess and crunch. I tried my pickles this morning and they are full of tangy, zingy flavour!

I hope you give this a try, it was so easy to grow my own Radishes and this recipe took almost no time at all to make.

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