The brita filter hacker strikes again! How to produce your own Natto and save 95%! (Featuring new author @eyeye) STEEMIT EXCLUSIVE !

I have spent my whole life in Japan, after that devastating earthquake, i decided to move to Europe, as i was afraid of the potential radiation.

Life is good in Europe, but the biggest challenge i have in Germany is to get my Japanese food supplies. Everything is expensive, if you buy it in a Japanese Supermarket.

I am a Natto Lover. If you never heard of Natto, it is made of fermented SoyBeans (You either love it, or hate it)

So in Japan 4 x 40g of Natto will cost less than 1$, but in Germany its 5 Euro (5.5$). As i usually eat Natto for Breakfast and Dinner and sometimes for lunch, that is way to expensive! 

After some research i found out, that it is possible to make my own Natto. 

First i got some 100g Soybeans (Remember that Bomann check my last post:)


Put the beans into a pan with water and leave them there for half a day

After that, they will double their size (left before/ right after)

Cook the beans in a highpressure cooker for 1 hour until the beans will pop through a gently touch
All tutorials online use  Bacillus subtilis var. natto  which can be bought in Japan. Without that Bacillus, you are not able to produce your own Natto.

After doing some research, i finally found  way to produce my own Natto Bacillus.

I used a Natto Pack i bought in the Supermarket and took 5 pcs of Beans out of that pack.

So open your pressure cooker, get rid of the water and mix the 5 beans into the hot Soybeans.

An interesting thing about Natto Bacillus is, that it will survive several minutes at 100C. So this method will kill all other Bacteria and only the necessary Natto Bacillus will survive.

The soybeans have to be filled into a Ziploc after mixing. 

Fill two glass bottles with Hot water and put them into a Polystyrene Box.

Now the Soybeans have to stay for 24 Hours in the box
and you have to change the hot water every 8 hours, so the optimal temperature doesn't drop below 40-45C. 


After 24Hours, you will get super tasty Natto Beans and the best thing, you will save 95% !!!


Using only 100g of Soybeans, i was able to produce 384g Natto. So for 120g of Natto will cost 20Cent instead of 5,5 Euro.

So now, i made some Natto-Makis and prepared some Natto with Soysauce with rice, so you can see how to enjoy your Natto.
If you liked my 2nd Life-Hack, please keep your Trigger finger ready and give my post some LOVE ;) 

ありがとうございます!= Thank you very much in Japanese !

@eyeye will post the Japanese version to his blog this week, so Japanese readers watch out for that post!

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like this post ->  @eyeye. Thank you!!!

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