14 day fast of no meat and no add sugar...

It started as a 2 week fast for and with the church.

Like the rest of the world, I watched What the Health and was inspired. However, did it lead to a lifestyle change?

If you are not familiar with the documentary, it is an aggressive one sided push for people to become vegan. If you are as gullible as I am then it is best not to watch. After a friendly review/debate I decided to look into the facts.

It was not hard to find information against the documentary. Debating both sides would be subjective too. Instead, let me tell you what I learned. You see my best friend has the natural talent to debate without becoming argumentative. After discussing it with her I started to wonder more about this documentary. If you are interested in plant-based diet make sure you see both side of the coin.

Both sides then your side..

There is enough science to argue and support both side. In the end you must decide if maybe the best option is to just buy from local markets. At the end of the day, our problem is mass production.

Our food is made to grow at an unnatural rate to support our grocery store demands. Low quality of food is the problem. For a quick read, I would recommend reading Debunking What the Health, the buzzy new documentary that wants you to be vegan.

My side

After 2 weeks of non animal meat or anything with added sugar there are a few changes I didn't expect.

I didn't expect.

  1. To eat so much and lose weight
  2. To feel more energize
  3. To want to continue and maybe make this a lifestyle.
  4. To not crave meat.
  5. To want to buy only organic, none caged, etc. Basically, as close to a local farm as possible and not spend a fortune.
  6. To eat so much rice and bread

I did expect.

  1. It to be so challenging to make meals that are fulfilling.
  2. To crave Sweets

Who knows how long I will go without eating meat. I am pretty happy with all my veggies.

What are your thoughts on planet based diets, consuming dairy, and fasting?


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