Ginger Tea....a powerhouse boost in a teacup.

Whats so special about Ginger Tea?

 This little knobbly 'root' spice is widely used for its medicinal properties as well as for cooking.  Its has many, many health benefits. When used fresh the following benefits are:-

 1. Strengthens the Immune System

Ginger substances in it  known as gingerol and shogaol. These substances help to provide an antiviral, antifungal and antbacterial properties. This inturn helps the body to prevent infections  in a  natura way, therefore aiding in treatment of flu and colds; especially as 1/2 the western world is heading into Autum/ Winter.

2. Aids Digestion

These special substances gingerols and shogaol are also helpful in the digestive sytem, aiding the absorption of nutruentser and easing inflammation. The benefit of using ginger  can help you to  avoid  constipation, nausea, gastric lesions, cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.  Good for morning sickness and travel sickness. As always if pregnant, ask your midwife or GP, research suggests its good but I would ask to be safe.

3. Anti-inflammatory Effects

 Rich in anti-inflammatory substances and compounds, ginger can help to relieve muscle cramps, inflamation in the joints and general pain.  This is a good post excercise drink, hot or cold. In the winter months I have had ginger tea to help with joint pains in my hands, caused by, I think, of repetive stress of typing and marking! I notice a difference.

4. Boosts Brain Power

A good memory enchancer a daily dose of ginger can give the congnative cells a work out and help improve your as memory, as it prevents inflammation, apoptosis and oxidative  stress. It is also  useful as it clears mental fog and relaxes the overactive mind. This can be especially useful when you are on a dead-line for work to be submitted or revising.  I gave it to my daughters when their exams come around, through smoothies ( stealth) !

5. Improves Blood Circulation

 Poor circulation??  ginger has been known for centuries to help  supports proper blood circulation, helps to combat symptoms of cardiovascular disease, including hypertension  and high cholesterol levels.  

Ginger is widely used in Chinese Medicine for all of the above.

These are just some of the many benefits that using ginger in your diet, daily if possible, can 



 4 -6 thin slices of raw ginger

*1 large cup of water ( remember boiling will reduce the water down)

1 teaspoon of raw organic honey - to sweeten 


Put the water in a saucepan and wait until it starts to boil. 

Add the ginger slices and reduce the temperature. Boil the contents for about 10 minutes. Then pour the tea into a cup. Put a little honey at the end and enjoy!

*- I usually end up adding a little extra water as it boils down,so that I get a decent cuppa!

You could make larger quantities of this and store in the refigerator and use as a cool drink through out the day. If you do this, 1 cup per drink and up the ginger to 8-10 thin slices, put into a proper juice bottle or container, not plastic bottles.

Hope You Enjoy the Ginger Tea and ALL ITS BENEFITS :)

If you enjoy my posts on smoothies, juices and healthy foods/drinks, the please feel free to follow me as new friends always welcomed and comments appreciated 


sourced some info from gingertea- photo's mine and making it- 

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