Adventures into Mexican Markets: Books!

Today we raided the book section at a local grocery store by the name of Mega D, part of the Commercial Mexicana chain of grocery stores.  I was specifically looking at cookbooks and ended up with many new ones in spanish.  These photos show many of the books I got and even more that I didn't.

None of them were more than 400 pesos, or 20 dollars USD. 

For less than 50 pesos total, I got new pencils, erasers and lead to fill them.

I got this one for 300 pesos, or something close to that.

SO excited about this one.

Healthy Food! 

Seems to be fancy baked dinners.

This book was intriguing and found in the kids section for 200 pesos.  

So there you have it, stay tuned for more articles featuring these books and the recipes from them.

Thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!

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