Bacon Cheddar Fries Air Fryer Recipe and Food Photo Shoot

The air fryer is good for all sorts of things like baking, frying and melting cheese as I found with this recipe. It started with regular shoestring style frozen fries and ended topped in bacon bits and cheddar cheese. I ended up making these one serving at a time, understanding a little why people prefer to have bigger capacity capability with these things. \

That's about how many fries mine can fit to work as advertised, basically. Maybe a little more at most.

I used bacon slices sliced thin for more consistency for cooking and it worked well for this recipe.

I started by cooking the fries first, I set them on a plate while I lined the pan with parchment paper. This was to keep the pan as clean as possible and make the fries easy to remove.

Top that with cheese and the bacon and let it go for another few minutes, pay attention until desired meltiness is reached.


Store-bought Shoestring style fries
Cheddar Cheese, or whatever cheese you have
Bacon Bits, Precooked but freshly cooked.

How It's Done:

  1. Fill basket with layer of fries and cook at 400 degrees in the air fryer for about 18 minutes to allow for the heatup.
  2. Cook them for 10 minutes, stir, then for the rest of the time.
  3. Remove the fries from the basket and line the basket with parchment paper.
  4. Put in the fries.
  5. Top with bacon and cheese.
  6. Put in the airfryer for up to five minutes.
  7. Enjoy fresh.

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