Blueberry Drop Cookies Recipe and Food Photo Shoot

Last night I shared some adorable photo's of Sammie eating a cookie and today I share the recipe. It was a test with cooking with dried blueberries and I went for cookies as I've honestly never had a cookie with a blueberry in it. John said they tasted like blueberry poptarts and I can't say he was totally wrong.

These didn't last long and I'd make them again, no questions asked.

Sammie really seemed to like them.

Like any good cookie it starts with butter and sugar.

Cream those together.

Add an egg.

And mix to combine.

Add flour and baking powder.

Add the blueberries and Mix until just combined.

Spoon em out, size is up to you just adjust baking time accordingly. I made medium sized cookies which took about 20 minutes in @modprobe's oven.


2 c all purpose flour
1 t baking powder
1.2 c butter
1 c sugar
1 t vanilla
1 lemon, zested
1 egg
1/2 c dried blueberries

How it's Done:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together.
  3. Add the egg and vanilla, mix.
  4. Add the flour and baking powder, mix until just combined.
  5. Fold in the blueberries.
  6. Spoon out in even sizes.
  7. Bake until the edges are golden brown, about 15 minutes for a medium cookie.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Sammie the Cookie Monster Photo Shoot
Acapulco Stories: Old Man on the Hill
Acapulco Sunsets: Glorious Hazy Beginning

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