Detroit Skillet Remix Food Photo Shoot

Last night I got nostalgic food style by sharing my Detroit Skillet.  This post is a follow-up of sorts, just showing one of the many ways this dish can be served.  The shakeup was with asparagus, polish sausage, mushrooms and my favorite goat cheese.

Oh, and I used the Instant Pot to cook the veggies.

To save time, which seemed to work really well for the veggies I used.

I've been on a mission to sneak foods I don't like into ones I do, so here enter the mushrooms.  Surprisingly, they were really good in this.

I'm a sucker for that goat cheese.

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

Here's some links to other active posts!

Cat Bastard Chronicles

Converted Volkswagon "Truck"

Tequila Begs for Loves

The Shelf From Hell: Why Employing People Sucks Part 2

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