First Omelette with All Homestead Eggs Food Photo Shoot

Omelettes are not my strong suit, but this one's worth sharing because it's the first omelette made with eggs from our property.  It was like 4 quail eggs and a chicken egg, but it served the purpose just nicely and John ate every bite of this omelette.

Started with frying small potato cubes in butter until crisp.

One of those chicken eggs was fried for me, on the side.

Whip the eggs with a little milk then add to the now empty pan to cook. 

The potatoes go down the center, there's bacon in there too if I remember correctly.

Not a pretty omelette but it was still functional.

Check out some of my other latest steemit originals!

Baby Ducklings and Friendly Chickens

Lily Learns Spanish Through Food: Pitas

Medusa Smoothie Recipe and Food Photo Shoot

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

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