Ginger Chicken Teriyaki Recipe

Here it is guys, the recipe for that simple but tasty ginger teriyaki chicken. Truth be told I cheated and used a bottled sauce, but teriyaki is one of the easiest chinese sauces out there to replicate from scratch.

What I used
1 t grated ginger
3 garlic cloves, minced
Half an onion, thinly sliced and quartered
Avocado Oil
1/2 c orange juice
1/2 c premade teriyaki sauce
Chicken Breasts (2 for two people)

How it's done:

  1. Prepare the root veggies while heating the pan to medium with some avocado oil in it, then add them in and sautee until soft.
  2. Slice the chicken, add more avocado oil to the pan and add the chicken, cooking until golden stirring often to keep the onions, garlic and ginger from burning.
  3. Add the sauce, I used about a half cup and the juice.
  4. Allow to simmer until it reaches your desired consistency, serve hot over rice.

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