Gluten Free Nutella Swirl Brownies Food Photo Shoot and Recipe

Ah, chocolate, one of life's best gifts.  Humans have been playing with all sorts of ways to use it, possibly the most legendary being brownies.  Today I took my brownies to the next level by doubling the recipe to make them thick and adding big swirls of nutella. They're also gluten free, making them just a little healthier for those concerned about that.

What you need:

225 Butter

4 eggs

2 cups sugar, 14 oz

2/3 cup cocoa

1 t vanilla

1/2 cup quinoa flour

1/2 cup peanut flour

Start with the butter eggs and sugar in a bowl, cream those together.

You're trying to make this, creamy and lightly whipped.

Add the cacao powder and vanilla and combine.

Then add the flours.

Butter a pan and pour the batter into it, spreading it as evenly as possible.

I used a simple doubler boiler method to make the nutella smoother.  Just some water into a pan heating on the stove. I held the jar in so it was slightly submerged but not touching the bottom.  Thirty seconds of this does a great deal.

Gob it on like so.

Using a toothpick or butterknife, swirl that stuff around.

Bake at about 350 for about a half hour, or until they look like this.

They say those with a craving for chocolate are just magnesium deficient.  If that's the case, these are a healthy magnesium supplement in my opinion!

As always, enjoyed with the view of Acapulco at my feet. 

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

All photos are mine and original, taken with my Nikon D5500 camera. 

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