Kohlrabi and Potato Cakes with Carmelized Onion and Garlic with Bacon Bits Recipe and Photo Shoot

This dish was created out of what I had as a late breakfast and I'll be honest when I say it was better than even I expected. Consisting of shredded kohlrabi and potato cakes topped with caramelized onions and garlic and crispy bacon bits, all with a sprinkle of my favorite tangy goat cheese made this so surprisingly good John didn't even have to put ketchup on it, which is saying something with this sort of dish.

What I Used, For 2 Servings:
1 large potato, peeled and shredded
1 medium sized kohlrabi, peeled and shredded
1 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper
mustard powder
1 egg
1/3 c flour
1 small onion
3 cloves garlic sliced

How It's Done

  1. Shred the potato and kohlrabi and put it into a bowl with the spices to taste.

  1. Add the egg and combine.

  1. Fry in a pan with butter or avocado oil on medium high and cook until both sides are golden. Fry the bacon in a separate pan, and the onions and garlic together with butter.

  1. Spread the onion and garlic mixture over the patties.

  1. Then the bacon and the cheese and serve.

Super good, considering making it tomorrow morning too!

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Blue Dab Straw With Green Dots Photo Shoot
Living in the Clouds: Here Comes the Rain
Living in the Clouds: Aftermath of Hurricane Max

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