Lily Gob Marshmallow Madness Cookie Food Porn

"What happens when you coat a marshmallow in gluten free peanut butter cookie dough and bake it?"

You get this, what I've dubbed the Lily wad. Here, we actually have limited access to plain old marshmallows so I used chocolate covered marshmallows. I'd be interested to try it with plain marshmallows sometime. These were too good. I'm just sharing photos for now, you'll have to stay tuned for the recipe.

They started as orbs that collapsed and oozed as they baked. Oh man.

Oh and guys....these are gluten free. That means you can classify them as a protein bar.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Succulent Zen Garden, Update 1
Bonsai Rose Bush: Making Plants do Weird Things
On the Run Flashbacks, Part 2: Renegades, Creepy Dirt Roads and Stranded in Oregon

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