Marshmallow Stuffed Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake Food Porn Photo Shoot

Our friend is leaving, who has been staying with us for about a month. I decided to make these cupcakes, partially with his chocolate covered marshmallows because he loved the first batch I made about a week ago like this. His cupcake was much less decorated than mine, giving the impression of the old one but he described the marshmallow center as: unexpected and delicious. It was a bit of a stroke of genius, something I think everyone should try. It'll be just as good with regular marshmallows... but our regular marshmallow supply here is low in Acapulco.

I scooped out a little of the center and nestled in these marshmallows while still hot, returning to the oven to melt them in.

I will share the full details on this recipe later on, so stay tuned for that.

That gooey center though.

Check out some of my other recent posts
Two Cheese Chicken Bacon Salad Recipe and Photo Shoot
Little Mushroom and the Spiky Tree Jungle Photo Shoot
Living in the Clouds: Stormy Day in Acapulco

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