Morning Glory Mango Smoothie Recipe and Photo Shoot

Smoothies have been a fact of life for me for years now, and I figure it's a habit that'll continue for many years to come. I'm a fan of those big thick smoothies, super cold and delicious. Lately, we've been having something similar to the smoothie that's pictured here, so I decided to share it with all of you, today!

What I used:
Plain yogurt
Brown Sugar
3 dates
1 Banana
Frozen Mango
Frozen Strawberries
Almond Milk
2-3 T flax seed meal

I start with the yogurt, dates, flax meal, and banana, always ending with the frozen stuff. Add milk over all of it, but not too much or you'll make it thin. Unless you like it thin, I personally don't.

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On the Run Flashbacks Part 1
Central Market Adventures: Today's Trip Part 2

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