Restaurants of Acapulco: Burger Queen

Today we visted what's probably my favorite burger place in Acapulco, yet another local place shown to us by our favorite local friend on our first trip to the movies here.  It's got the cute and clever name Burger Queen and it's honestly way better than Burger King has ever been.  They serve burgers and hotdogs grilled there, as well as french fries.  They've got all sorts of toppings, many of them not familiar to the American palete, at least not on burgers.

Here's there sign, a clever spinoff of the popular American chain. They advertise that they have the best grilled burgers and they probably do, that I know of anyway.  There's a few good burger carts along the Coastera that could give them a run for their money on certain nights, but this place is far more consistent and dependable than many of those carts.

Their menu is simple but expansive at the same time.  Everythings right out there in the open on that sign, eliminating guesswork.  My favorites here are the Hawianortena and the hotdog with bacon.  Tonight John ordered something new, which was honestly pretty intense. 

(bl river)

This place is located at the Mega D Grocery Store in Acapulco, not far from the Diana circle. Telling a taxi driver Mega Diana will get you to this store.  Right in front of it is Burger Queen, both photos above were taken from my table while I waited. 

These are called rajas and are from my understanding pickled carrots and jalapenos that mexicans eat and serve with everything.

These are superhot chiles.  I saw a Mexican eat a sandwich from here with some of these on it react by coughing and sweating, those chiles were so hot. They offer them in this little bowl for the brave.

And of course, napkins, salt and catsup.  They serve catsup here, probably my least favorite thing about the whole establishment as silly as that is. 

The fries are made by the order, so they're always hot and fresh.  Not sure if it was the dabs, but the fries were extra tasty today

After much suspense, they delivered my burger to me. This is my regular here, what I've gotten literally every time I've eaten here. It's called the Hawiannortena at 48 pesos, or about 2.50 and it's got ham, bacon and pineapple on it with the burger.  We ordered both of our sandwiches with everything on them, so it came with a chile as well.

As usual it was delicious, albiet slightly messy. I like it when my burgers fall apart a little though, honestly. 

John's was the wild card, the most expensive burger on the menu at a whopping 68 pesos, the Gordo.  It had ham, bacon, pineapple, beef and chorizo, the popular mexican sausage.  I took a bite and was happy with the lack of the chorizo on mine, something that's been a bit of an aquired taste for the both of us.  His burger was just like mine, only it had the chorizo. He ended up removing one of the sausages but still enjoyed the burger thoroughly.  

We ended up ordering a hot dog, partially because it was delicious and partially to share with you all.  I noticed when ordering this that the cook had on a hat with a marijuana leaf on it.  He smiled and nodded, getting to work on our hot dog.  Everything that came out of that little grill area was really good, and I can't help but think he might have taken extra care for us.  Two gringo's with dreadlocks come in for some food, he may have suspected we smoke and would enjoy our food much more if he did a better job.

Or maybe I'm just imagining it and he makes that food that good all the time.  One things for certain, anyone coming to Acapulco that's interested in a truly delicious Mexican burger experience needs to hit up Burger Queen.  They're cheap and delicious.  They've got the charm of a roadside cart with sit down eating area, which is nice. They're also across the street from our favorite taco cart, a place we'll feature in the next segment of Restaurants in Acapulco.

Thank you for reading and remember, if you end up in Acapulco, you've got to try Burger Queen.

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