Sweet day in the summer garden. The aroma of summer in each jar.

Good day to all the sweet tooth! Today is my day in nature, in the summer garden. I'm busy making delicious jam. I think that nature has decided to compensate us for the long wait for heat and give us a good harvest this year. You all remember how long we waited for the arrival of spring, as soon as we hoped to see bright, warm and Sunny days. And now we are in our gardens can already see how to ripen berries and fruits. But today my attention is drawn to only one plant. It's rhubarb.

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Every year we have it in large quantity. This plant appears one of the first as soon as the last snow melts and the sun begins to heat the earth. Therefore, for a long period, we can use it for the preparation of various vegetable salads, smoothies , casseroles, filling for pies, juices and compotes. Today you can find this delicious grass in different parts of the world. Connoisseurs of this plant know about its useful properties. It is no accident that it is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine.


Rhubarb contains about 90% water. Therefore, it is well absorbed in the human body. It contains a very large list of vitamins and minerals, but its rate is only 13 Kcal. Even the well-known dill and parsley have more calories. In my family, we love to use this plant in various forms. In view of its large number, I try to cook a few cans of jam. And when the cold winter months come, it is a great pleasure to have a Cup of tea to enjoy the memories of summer days.

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Of course, now any finished product can be bought in the supermarket. Jars in orderly rows on the shelves are full of labels of all jams and marmalades. But there is something mystical in the process of cooking. Therefore, I do not deny myself this pleasure. In our crazy life there is always not enough time, so I try to simplify my life and choose only the simplest and most correct recipes that never let me down.

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This jam can be cooked in two ways : single and multiple. I cook in a one-time way. At a single cooking, the fruits are mixed with syrup and boiled until ready. For 1 kilogram of fruit we need 1 kilogram of sugar. You can cook jam not only on sugar, but also on honey, which should be taken in the same amount as sugar. And you can take half the sugar and honey. Rhubarb stalks should be cleaned of rough skin and cut into pieces of 1-2 centimeters. Choose a suitable pan, put the pieces of rhubarb in it and fill them with sugar. Leave all the mass in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning put the pan on a small fire and bring to a boil. Then pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and screw. Then the banks to turn upside down and wrap a warm up to cool down. Everything is so simple and the result is really excellent. As additives can be introduced into the recipe cinnamon, ginger, lemon zest. All this adds new flavor notes and makes jam even more enjoyable.

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Our summer will end very quickly. And when the bad weather comes, we will be pleased in the cold evening to open a fragrant jam and feel the summer in each jar.

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