Beautiful Cupcakes with Cherries and Chocolate(Original Photos and Recipe).

I really like desserts, which can be done 20 minutes before the arrival of guests, without spending a lot of strength and ingredients. So the cupcakes is the same dessert. Especially good is the fact that the filling can be changed to your liking, and there is no limit to ideas!

I decided to add cherry and chocolate to the dough, I think these two ingredients perfectly match each other in a gentle test.


Flour - 1,5 cups

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Butter - 80 g

Baking Powder - 1 tsp.

Sugar - 0,5 cups

Cherry - 100 g

Dark chocolate - 100 g

Cream - 100 ml

Sugar powder - 100 g


Eggs mix up with sugar and then add a soft butter and mix everything to a homogeneous consistency. Sift flour with a baking powder and gradually add to the egg-and-oil mixture. Prepare the form for the cupcakes and put the paper molds there. Put the prepared dough into one tablespoon in the molds. In the dough carefully lay out the cherry before removing the bones and dark chocolate from it. Bake the cupcakes in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. While the cupcakes are baked, whip the cooled cream with the sugar powder until a thick mass forms. Finished cupcakes decorated with whipped cream with a confectionery bag and cherries.

The cupcakes are beautiful and with an interesting note of taste due to cherries and chocolate.

This dessert can perfectly decorate the festive table and birthdays. Try to cook! :)

Bon Appetit!

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