Chicken Egg vs. Duck Egg

I’ve never eaten a duck egg but we got ducks anyway. Most of the time homesteaders tell you to grow what you eat. Don’t try to raise something you don’t enjoy or can a bunch of vegetables you only eat occasionally. Doing these sorts of things will burn you out fast! Who wants to homestead when at the end of the day you don’t like what you’re eating?

(Chicken left, Duck right)

For us this wasn’t much of a concern because we plan on feeding our cats and dogs a homemade raw diet from animals we raise. So if it turned out we didn’t like duck, we’d just allocate all the duck to the pets. We started getting eggs almost a month ago but didn’t eat any for 2 weeks. We knew my husband’s parents were coming down for a visit and wanted to have them try some of our home raised food. Of course this ended up only being eggs (see our posts about our failed garden for more info) and since we had 1 duck laying we decided to save them up for a couple weeks beforehand. This ended up not being necessary because our duck laid every single day from the day she started but oh well, hindsight.

So in honor of this occasion. (It’s been 2 years since they visited) We also got some chicken eggs from the grocery store and did a little taste test. Guess what?!?!

(Chicken top, Duck bottom)

IT TASTES JUST LIKE CHICKEN. No really, we couldn’t tell the difference. So um there ya go, if you like chicken eggs you’ll like duck eggs. Plus if you’ve seen our duck post they are darn easy. Some day in the future we will do a farm fresh/free range/organic duck egg vs farm fresh/free range/organic chicken egg comparison though I imagine they will still taste the same but healthier!

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