Sesame seed Raisins Coconut Bars ♥ Week Four - Six Week Health Challenge

Happy Sunday! or should I say "Sweet Delicious Sunday" ?

Cause this recipe turns every Sunday in one Happy Sweet Delicious Sunday! :p

I made this recipe as my entry in Week Four of #sixweekhealth Challenge hosted by @healthsquared and @sweetsssj. And this special week is about creating a healthy dessert. You can join too if you want! 

So, this is my idea for a happy dessert! When I think at dessert, I don't necesarry think at some cake, pie or a  parfait! I just want something sweet, no matter the form of it! And if it's healthy too, then you totally won my heart!  so... here is what I've made today for me and also for you!!


Here is the recipe! Enjoy it! If you have all the ingredients, wont take more than 25-30 minutes  to make.

And one more thing! I chose this recipe because I felt the need to have something with sesame! There's no other reason that this. But if I was thinking more about it, maybe I had choosen to have this dessert because  sesame seeds are one of the best for its Calcium intake! So, they are good for boosting your bone health, imporving digestion, they also reduce inflamation and they prevent cancer! And I like also the facts they are good for skin and hair! You can read about it on the internet! but for sure.....Don't underestimate these tiny little seeds!



  • 2 cups sesame seeds
  • 1 cup raisins 
  • 1/2 cup dried, shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup flaxseed meal (ground flax seeds)
  • 1/2 cup tahini
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 3 Tbsp honey (or maple/agave syrup)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 

And this is the METHOD!

1. Place all dry ingredients in a large bowl and stir.

2. Add remaining ingredients and stir with a spoon. (but...honestly, goes much better with your hand :xD )

TIP: before adding the coconut, maybe its best to melt the coconut butter! this way, all the ingredients bind better!

3. Put parchment paper on a tray and add the mixture on it. Press mixture FIRMLY down into the tray!

4. Freeze for at least 1 hour and then cut the mixture in bars.

5. Bars should be kept in the freezer and eaten when chilled. But you can storage them in the fridge too.


This is all you have to do for this healthy dessert!! Hope you like it and try it! Maybe you will do it often cause they are also a good choice for taking it with you at work or school! 

With joy, 

Miss Deli and Kitty!  ♥  ♥ 

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