'Jazz' Inspired Vegetarian Noodle Salad Recipe For Two (ecoTrain)

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Ahh, the Copenhagen Jazz Festival; a 9-day event that involves 1000s of artists from all around the world playing at hundreds of indoor and outdoor venues across the city. It gives you the chance to see so many areas of Copenhagen and is likened to a glorified pub-crawl with the exception of that the music is at the center of attention.


A trendy food market has sprung up in the old meat packing district (Kødbyens Mad & Marked)of Copenhagen which serves as a hip new summer hang-out for tourists and an all year social spot for residents alike. It was there that we came across an Asian food stall that rocked our socks off with this delicious vegetarian noodle salad. A simple meal and sauce recipe that we noted down and would like to share with the Steemit community.



2 egg noodle blocks
Half a Cucumber
2 Carrots
10cm of Radish (a cucumber size equivalent radish)
1 Paprika
1 marinated Tofu (270 grams)


3 tablespoons of tahini
1 tablespoon of sesame oil
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon of honey
Sriracha hot sauce, (as much as you can handle)
Water (to help blend the ingredients)


sesame seeds
pumpkin seeds


Boil the egg noodles and let cool. Cut the mentioned vegetables (or whatever you have at home) into thin strips. Cut the marinated tofu into cubes. As a recommended alternative protein source, you could also use boiled scrambled eggs with fried mushrooms.

Create your bowl with noodles, vegetables, and protein.

To make the sauce add the ingredients. Shake it for quite some time so it gets creamy in a bottle then add some water until it has a syrupy texture.

Add a lot of sauce to the noodles and tofu in a deep bowl and top with sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, seaweed.


By the way folks the Copenhagen Jazz Festival is a place to be!

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