Delicious shrimp / 美味的溪水虾

This is one of the world's smallest shrimp live in freshwater streams, China's Poyang Lake abound,Less demanding on water quality,But there must be a rich aquatic environment,Multiply quickly. Capture an easily,Processing method is very simple
这是世界上最小的虾之一,生活在淡水溪流,鄱阳湖流域很多,对水质要求不高,但必须有丰富的水草环境,繁殖很快. 捕捉出很容易

These shrimp like these plants,Water grass is their home,The water is shallow, they are easy to catch

The first step we want separation Water grass and shrimp

We got clean shrimp, just put out in the sun for 1-2 hours,It can be used to eating processed

Just clean the shrimp, fried golden brown, add a little salt, pepper, garlic, onion .

Enjoy :)
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