Today I most wanted to do (Part 2)

From the start this morning, I did not hear the cry of the cicada,A lot less than a few days ago,Did I catch are finished, it should not,Autumn has come,After mating they produce seeds in the trees,Most others died, not enough time to mate,See what I'm doing,In the city can not find a bamboo pole, We wanted to do something today,Back to the countryside,Find yet unearthed in the woods, Some have been turned into a flower

从今早开始没有听到大面积蝉的叫声了,比前些天少了许多,难道都被我捉完了,应该不是,立秋之后,他们交配产籽在树上之后,有的大部分死掉了,还没来得及交配的,还正在寻找伴侣,看看我以前的干事,在城市里找不到竹杆,竟打起了钓杆的主意,结果就是几百元的钓杆搞断了,竟为帮小家伙们抓住几只吵闹的蝉了, 今天要干的事就是回到乡下,在树林里找到还未出土,或者已经变成了金蝉花的它们

Isaria cicadae Miq / 金蝉花

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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