看外国人如何演绎中餐厅 | A Chinese restaurant designed by an American owner

Have long heard about the "Danwei Canting" in Portland. If we translate "Danwei" (单位)to English is "unit"。 But in Chinese it has another meaning. It means the organization you work for. It was widely used in China in 80s and 90s. Now it was replaced by company or organization. "Canting" means cafeteria.

What surprised me was that this Chinese restaurant is operated by an American who is said to have fallen in love with Chinese food after he visited China. He opened this Chinese restaurant after he returned to Portland.


At noon and not on weekends, I went half an hour earlier as I did not want to wait in line.

In the “unit restaurant”, ordering is not by waiting at the table for a waiter, but directly after entering the door, queuing at the front desk to pay for food, and take a number and a seats.






The design of this restaurant is kind of rustic style: using a lot of metal decors and traditional classic Edison bulbs. The menu in the unit restaurant is relatively simple and is similar to Chinese street vendors. There are more than twenty items, you can directly point the letters and numbers on the plaque.



Stainless steel console, sense of cold, precise, and mechanical.



Yanjing (燕京) beer, I like it very much. Of course, Yanjing is not the focus here. Making my eyes stay on them for a while is the contrast between the green package of Yanjing Beer and the red wall. Good design!



In the mural on the wall, the Monkey King (Sun wukong) was made into a balloon, and the Monk Pig (Zhu bajie) was made into an astronaut. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses (兵马俑) were mixed into different categories, modern Chinese architecture CCTV Tower, cable-stayed bridges and the Great Wall, which is a Magical realistic painting.



The design of the bathroom surprised me a lot. When I pushed the door, I saw a big picture. It is a right size mirror that reflects a picture on the opposite wall. The mirror frame is just the reflection picture frame. Only when you stand at the door will you see this visual effect.


IMG_3837 (2).JPG

Several paintings in the bathroom are related to eating, and the format is also very large. Against black walls or red walls, the visual impact is quite strong.


I talked a lot about the design. Now let's talk about food.



The spicy potato stripes are almost everybody's must-eat, very tasty, spike all American fries, whether it's our famous truffle oil french fries or beer-soaked potato french fries.

麻辣土豆条,几乎是人人必点的,非常好吃,秒杀美国一切炸薯条,无论是我们这里著名的truffle oil的炸薯条,还是啤酒浸泡土豆的炸薯条。


Spicy chicken, her signature dish, spicy and fresh and strong in Sichuan flavor. After dinner, I scanned the other diners in the restaurant to see what they have ordered. most were of the spicy potato strips or spicy chicken, or both.



The fried pork buns, I think it's unremarkable.


I also ordered a portion of pork loin pocket. It was too much for me to eat. I packed it and brought it back for my son. When my son came home after school, he ate all of it. I think it tasts good.

Except for their bowls for noodles, their dishes are all stainless steel dishes. Because I have not been in china for a long time. I almost forgot that in "Danwei" we used standard stainless steel utensils for food. The restaurant owner is really good at getting Chinese "Danwei" characteristics.

The Chinese food in this restaurant has absolutely no American flavor. Personally I feel very authentic, especially the spicy chicken, which is even better than the Chinese restaurants opened by the Chinese in Portland. I noticed that the chef is Chinese and the kitchen chef is a white guy.




I joked with friends about the name of this restaurant.

The foreigner went to China and met with Chinese friends at noon.
He asked, "Did you eat?"
His Chinese friend replied: "Yes, I ate."
Asked again: "Where did you eat?".
Answer: "at a 'Danwei Canting'".
The foreigner asked some other Chinese people and they all answered at the "Danwei Canting".
So he thought that the "Danwei Canting" must be the best restaurant in China. He returned to his hometown and opened a "Danwei Canting."

Hahaha, Just a joke.




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