Hemp seeds: healthy fats and plant protein. A five-minute recipe for hemp milk

Hemp seeds look grey and pretty unappealing, yet they offer one of the healthiest fats you can eat, with a mix of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.

Hemp seeds contain more than 30% fat, and just 5% saturated fat, 5% dietary fibre and 25% protein. They have significantly more protein than chia and flax seeds (linseeds).

Hemp is also a rich source of vitamin E and minerals including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and sodium.

Hemp seeds can be made into hemp milk, which although not great tasting on its own, makes a delicious creamy base for smoothies, smoothie bowls and non-dairy ice cream.

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A smoothie bowl made with hemp milk and frozen fruit.

Although hemp seeds grow on the cannabis plant, they do not have the psychoactive properties of cannabis.

However this hasn't stopped them being prohibited for human consumption in Australia.

One of the most delicious ways to consume hemp seeds is to make them into a plant milk. It takes about five minutes.

You can make hemp milk from whole or hulled hemp seeds, but I use whole seeds, as the hulled ones are much more expensive. I buy them in bulk online.

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You will need:

• 200g hemp seeds (unhulled for this recipe)
• A nutmilk bag (available online – or you could use a clean pair of tights!)
• Water
• Dates (optional)

Step 1. Weigh out 200g of whole hemp seeds into a blender jug.

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Step 2: Add 350-400ml water.

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Step 3: Blend for at least 30 seconds.

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This mixture looks like cold porridge or runny cement – not appetising at all! But once the gritty bits will be removed, it will look much more appealing.

Step 4: Wash your hands. Then put the nutmilk bag into a large bowl, making sure that the top of the bag is wide open. Very carefully, pour the blended hemp mix into the bag.

Pouring hemp into nutmilk bag 1.jpg

Step 5: Once all the hemp mix is in the bag, close up the top of the bag and gently squeeze the liquid into the bowl.

Squeezing hemp milk from nutmilk bag.jpg

The gritty grey matter left in the bag can be disposed of in a compost bin.

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Step 6: Pour the hemp milk into a bottle. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

On its own, the hemp milk tastes quite unpleasant, but if you blend it with two or three dates (make sure they're the type without added glucose or sugar) the taste will be transformed.

Banana hemp smoothie

One of my favourite hemp milk recipes is a smoothie made from about 150ml hemp milk, one banana, three dates, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract and the seeds of three cardamom pods. Blend it all together. It is astonishingly delicious, trust me!

Hemp smoothie bowl

You can also use hemp milk to make a smoothie bowl. Just blend about 150ml hemp milk with two or three dates and some frozen fruit. I like to use frozen bananas and berries to produce a creamy texture and strong flavour. You can add flavourings such as cardamom seeds and vanilla extract.

Bananas can be easily frozen at home (I'm always surprised at the number of people who think bananas cannot be frozen). Just slice the flesh and lay them flat on a plastic tray in the freezer overnight. Don't let the pieces stick together, or they'll solidify into a big hard mass.

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Hemp milks can be bought in supermarkets and health food shops – but check the ingredients carefully, as some plant milks have a LOT of added sugar.

Nutritional info source: "The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseed"



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