Addicted to Steemit?

Are u? As a newbie (this is just my second post), I don't really think I can answer this, or make a conclusion for this topic. But still based on my reading here, I don't think it's all about addiction.

I prefer to use the word 'SATISFACTION'. Am I right? Spending minutes writing an article, sharing an information, news or even our personal life here..then steemit community show their support by upvote your post. Worth a single minute spent on it, right? Or I am too positive on this? Haha

Maybe coz my 1st post was upvoted and commented by people I don't really know in real life. So it fell a way better for me, compare to posting on FB which most of the time will circulate among ur close friends only..unless u pay for it :)

And the fact that we will be paid for our post is reaaaaaaly awesome! Love it.

After being introduced to steemit and saw how my 1st post went, everyday I keep thinking what else I can share here from my daily life. Even if something happened I will keep my camera phone rolling and snap a picture of it..thought I will be able to share it here some day.

Anyway photo below has no relation at all with my rambling today. Snapped it last Wednesday, just to get a picture of Hilton KL during cloudy day..but then I reallized there's a bird captured. Just alone, where's the rest? Maybe got left by her group, or maybe she's ahead of the rest..heheh


By the way, I am at my hometown Kelantan now for a short off day. Tomorrow will start my food hunt here, yes! Maybe my next post will be on famous food you can find in Kelantan? Maybe..

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