Chia Parfaits with Banana, Kiwi and Granola 🍌🥝🍫 || Step by Step Recipe

Guess what time it is? It’s time for some chia parfaits, yayy! I made these by using some chia pudding, kiwi, bananas and granola. Very simple ingredients, but incredibly delicious!

Now, I have to admit something. When I was making this parfait, I expected it to taste pretty basic. Good, but nothing special. Later, when I tried it, I was mindblown! Seriously, one of the best things I’ve tasted in a while. Not to even mention the texture! You get crunch from granola and smoothness from chia pudding and fruit. You guys know me, I’m a huge texture person so this is pure heaven for me.

I first tried chia pudding a few months ago and absolutely hated it! I did not like it at all! I think that’s because I didn’t know the right technic of making it and I also didn’t use the right flavour combinations.
I mixed chia seeds and milk together, put it in the fridge for overnight and forgot about it. That’s where I made a mistake. I should had taken the pudding out of the fridge about 10 minutes after I made it, give it a mix and then put it back in the fridge for overnight. When I woke up the next morning, all chia seeds stuck to the bottom of a bowl and they because of that didn’t absorb all the liquid so there was a lot of milk left.

Don’t make the same mistake I did and give your chia pudding a mix about 10 minutes after you make it. That way chia seeds won’t stick to the bottom of your bowl and will give you the gel-like consistency you are looking for.

After my huge fail a few months ago, I said I was never going to make chia pudding again. But I gave it a second chance and it did not disappoint me at all! It made me fall in love with it. Ever since my huge success with this parfait, chia pudding has been my go-to breakfast.

Chia pudding itself tastes pretty bland, not gonna lie. That’s why I added fruit and granola to make it more fun. I find kiwi and banana go with it perfectly! The flavour of your finished product obviously also depends on the flavour of granola you use. I used a chocolate one, which was a perfect choice but any other granola should work just as fine.

I loved this recipe so much that I made it for my next day’s breakfast as well. I already made the parfait the night before and it tasted just as good as fresh one the next morning! Granola was of course a bit soggy but I actually really liked it. So, if you are always in a rush in the mornings like I am, this might be the perfect breakfast for you :)

Chia Parfaits with Banana, Kiwi and Granola 🍌🥝🍫



• 1/8 cup chia seeds
• ¾ cup almond milk
• 2 kiwis
• 1 banana
• ¼ cup granola


Chia pudding

  • In a small bowl combine chia seeds and almond milk. Stir and let it sit for at least an hour or overnight. Stir occasionally. It should get a thick gel-like consistency.
Yes, I spilled milk all over my table here haha ;)

Kiwi and banana puree

  • Cut banana and kiwi into small pieces. Transfer into a small bowl and mash until you get a puree. You can leave some of the fruit for toppings like I did.


  • In a jar create a parfait by adding a layer of chia pudding, kiwi and banana puree, another layer of chia pudding, granola, more chia pudding and top with some fresh fruit and granola.

And here's the finished product! Very simple but delicious :)

Have a wonderful day!

Nina ✨

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