Healthy High-Protein Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Muffins 🍫🥜🍌 || Vegan, GF, Oil-Free, Refined Sugar Free || Step by Step Recipe || #veganbakingcompetition

Hi gorgeous beautiful people! My energy was on high today so I decided to make something special.

I made some healthy peanut butter chocolate banana muffins.

Sounds really fancy and complicated, I know, but it’s actually really simple to make.

This recipe is vegan, gluten free, oil free, refined sugar free, high in protein and we could go on and on with all that non-sense. The main thing is that it’s healthy and tastes delicious. Two things that matter the most to me.

These make a perfect on the go breakfast or a quick snack. I love snacking on them while I’m studying. They give me a lot of energy and help me stay focused.

I first tried peanut butter about two years ago (I know who am I?). It’s not very widely used in my country and many people don’t even know about it. I at first didn’t really like it but then fell in love with it. I actually prefer the taste of all natural peanut butter over the one filled with oils and sugars. It’s so much richer in flavour and you can actually taste the peanuts not just a bunch of artificial stuff. My favourite way of eating it is in combination with fruit, especially apples. I could eat peanut butter and apples all day, no joke.

Can you believe that's healthy?

Are you team smooth or team crunchy peanut butter? I’m a fan of both but I think I like the smooth one slightly more :)

Healthy High-Protein Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Muffins 🍫🍌🥜



• 3 medium bananas
• 8 dates, finely chopped
• 3 scoops protein powder
• 140 g oat flour*
• 4 tbsp cacoa powder
• 2 tbsp chocolate chips
• 3 tbsp peanut butter
• 3 tbsp whole peanuts
• 1 tsp baking powder
• ½ tsp baking soda
• ¾ - 1 cup plant based milk*


1/ Preheat oven to 180°C.
2/ In a large bowl mash bananas until you get a puree.

3/ Add oat flour, protein powder, dates, cacoa powder, chocolate chips, peanut butter, whole peanuts, baking powder and baking soda and mix until it starts to form a dough like shown in the picture.

4/ Add plant based milk and mix until it forms a batter. The batter should not be too thick but also not too thin. Add more milk if needed. You are looking for a texture like the one in the picture.

5/ Lay a muffin tray with muffin tins. Divide batter evenly into muffin tins. Sprinkle some whole peanuts on top of each muffin.

6/ Bake for 30 minutes.


*You can make oat flour by blending oats in a high-speed blender.
*Use more or less plant based milk. The amount depends on ripeness of your bananas.

They are super moist and goey! You can enjoy them plain or add more peanut butter if you're crazy like me :D

This post is also my contribution to @nicoleslife's #veganbakingcompetition. You can find more information about it here.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my recipe! Your support means so much to me! I have a week without exams ahead of me so I'll have a lot of time to create delicious foods and I'm very excited :D

Have a wonderful day!

Nina ✨

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