One-Ingredient Homemade Almond Butter

Hey beautiful people out there! Today we’re making some homemade almond butter. I rarely buy nut butters since I prefer to make them myself. As you’ll see, they are very simple, you only need one ingredient but they do require some patience :)

I love adding almond butter to oatmeal, using it as a spread or making different sauces out of it. It can be used in many different ways.

Nut butters, especially natural ones, are quite expensive. The ones you can buy in stores are often loaded with unnecessary sugars and oils. I find it to be much cheaper if I just buy nuts and make my own butters out of them.

I recommend you to do larger quantities when making nut butters. Here I was using way less than I normally would. I thought I have more almonds at home but it turned out I only had a little bit so that was all I could really use. If I had more almonds, I would do a whole food processor of them and could have almond butter for longer so I wouldn’t have to make it again in like a week. Nut butters last really long so you don’t have to worry about them getting bad.

One-Ingredient Homemade Almond Butter


• almonds (you want to use at least one cup or more otherwise you might have hard time blending it)


  • Add almonds into food processor or high-speed blender and blend until you get creamy almond butter. This might take a while so don’t give up. It eventually will turn into nut butter. I took pictures as I was blending it so you can see the stages of getting to the finished product.

And here we have it, our own homemade almond butter. Healthy and delicious :)

Have a wonderful day!

Nina ✨

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