Only 1 Ingredient Is Not Locally Produced Can You Find It?

Do you wish you could source, purchase, prepare and eat a one hundred percent Local Food meal all on the same day?

Well it is Number One on my Food Goals list. Today I've managed to get very very close. In fact just One thing on this plate is not locally produced can you find which it is?

On this plate is the following : Rump Steak, onion, garlic, avocado, cos and curly lettuce, bock choy, shallots, celery, cucumber, cherry tomato, cheese, oregano, coriander, white and gold sweet potato, chilli, ginger and macadamia oil.

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Rump Steak topped with Avocado, fresh Cos Salad and Spicy White and Gold Sweet Potato Chips
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I am very happy with flavours and tenderness and it was so much better than my shoddy photographs depict.
I challenge you to try make a all local food meal even just once, it is both harder than it seems and fully worth the effort... Trust me, I'm an Aussie!

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Each thing you eat has a story, do you know that story?

So did you guess the odd one out? I'd put it in the meal without even thinking about it until it was eaten and I was writing this very post!
It Was The Cheese!
Sadly there are no local cheese makers anywhere that I can find.

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